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2023/2024 Winter Parking Restrictions and Resident Snow Removal

Press Release - October 26, 2023
Town Hall Update generic

The Town of The Blue Mountains would like to remind residents that Winter Parking Restrictions come into effect on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. In accordance with the Highway Traffic Act and Town By-law No. 2003-11, overnight parking is prohibited on all Town streets from 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. Winter Parking Restrictions will remain in effect until April 1, 2024.

In addition, residents are reminded that Town By-law No. 2014-65 prohibits the deposit of snow or ice onto a Town roadway, including the shoulder, sidewalk, walkway, boulevard, or ditch, without written permission from the Director of Operations. 

Residents are also asked to remove items from the roadside, including basketball nets, hockey nets, boats and all trailers, landscaping items or any other items that may interfere with snow removal operations.

Winter parking and snow removal restrictions are necessary to help ensure that snow removal operations can be completed safely and effectively. The Town would like to thank all residents for their cooperation throughout the winter season.

For more information, please contact:
Operations Department
(519) 599-3131 ext. 276


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