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Construction Notice - Substandard Watermain Replacement Program Phase 2

Maintenance / Service Disruptions - July 27, 2023

On behalf of the Town of The Blue Mountains, WT Infrastructure Solutions Inc. has completed design for Phase 2 of the Substandard Watermain Replacement Program. This phase includes sections of Napier Street West in Thornbury and Woodland Park Road in Camperdown. The project has been tendered and the construction contract has been awarded to SMRS Construction. Construction will begin in August 2023 and will be completed consecutively on two sites:

  1. Napier Street West, from Victoria Street South to 96 Napier Street West - Construction beginning early August
  2. Woodland Park Road - Construction beginning late August to early September

Contract: 2023-46-T-OPS
Start Date: August 2023
End Date: October 2023 (est.)

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Project Scope

  • Replacement of existing deficient watermains on Napier Street West and a section of Woodland Park Road, including installation of new fire hydrants and replacement of existing water services to property line.
  • Restoration of disturbed areas to existing conditions.

What To Expect

You may experience traffic delays, lane restrictions, dust, noise and other inconveniences during construction. The Town will work with SMRS Construction to reduce these impacts where possible by maintaining standard working hours and providing written notice of planned service interruptions or restrictions. We appreciate your patience throughout the project.

Work will be occurring within Town property. The Town will not be responsible for damage to any privately owned features such as landscaping, decorations, etc. located on Town property within the right-of-way. The Town will identify privately-owned features and discuss removal options with the property owner prior to removal by the Contractor. Some tree pruning and trimming will be required within the right-of-way to allow for water connections to be made. Should you have any concerns during construction, please contact the Site Inspector.

Work Hours

Work will generally take place Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Work after hours, on statutory holidays or on weekends will be completed only if necessary and as required. The Contractor will be required to request approval from Town Council prior to completing any work outside of regular hours.

Service Interruptions

Water service may be temporarily interrupted at times throughout the duration of the project. Impacted residents will be notified in writing in advance of any interruptions.

Road Access

In order to complete the work in a safe manner, there will be restrictions and temporary closures on the road within the construction work zone. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times. The road within the project limits will be signed for local traffic only throughout the construction period. Emergency services have been notified of the construction project, the anticipated timeframes and limited access.

Driveway Access

The contractor will notify you of any temporary restrictions to your driveway access. Homeowners are urged to find alternative parking while construction is occurring near your property.

Traffic Management

Minor traffic delays will occur within the construction zone when active construction is occurring. Longer delays or closures may occur when restoration work is taking place.


No on-street parking is permitted in active work zones unless access to driveways is restricted. Additional information will be provided to clarify acceptable parking locations when driveway access is restricted.

Garbage and Recycling

Please follow your normal routine for garbage and recycling collection. If required, the contractor will move bins to an appropriate location and return them. Please ensure that you label your bins with your address.


The construction work area will be restored to pre-existing conditions including laying of sod, hydroseed, granular, asphalt or concrete as required. Granular/asphalt/concrete driveways and shoulders will be restored where they presently exist. Laying of sod will be done as needed during ideal growing seasons only.

For more information, please contact:

Town of The Blue Mountains
Operations Department


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