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Official Plan Phase 2 Survey Closes Sunday, August 13th

Press Releases - August 11, 2023
Town Hall Update generic

The Town would like to remind residents to complete the Phase 2 Official Plan Review & Community Design Survey before it closes on Sunday, August 13th.

Additional opportunities to share feedback will be announced within the coming weeks, including a series of public workshops that will be scheduled this Fall as Phase 2 continues.

This public survey is integral to the project, seeking input regarding community design elements, including character and design, community services, housing, climate change, parks, trails and open space.

Complete the survey now to share your thoughts and help shape the future of the Town by visiting the project webpage. Please share the survey with your friends, family and co-workers. Paper copies are also available at Town Hall and The Blue Mountains Public Library.

For more information or to subscribe for project updates, please visit the project webpage or contact:

Shawn Postma, MCIP RPP
Manager of Community Planning
(519) 599-3131 ext. 248


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