WHEREAS climate change is the biggest environmental threat to our planet and the Town of The Blue Mountains declared a Climate Emergency in 2019; and
WHEREAS Earth Hour is an initiative organized by the World Wildlife Fund that began in Sydney, Australia, in 2007 and has grown into a global event that is observed by more than 192 countries and over 1.3 billion people worldwide; and
WHEREAS Earth Hour encourages individuals, businesses and governments around the world to turn off all non-essential lights for one hour on Saturday, March 22, 2025, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time; and
WHEREAS the goal of Earth Hour is to demonstrate that individual action can help positively impact our planet by raising awareness and sparking global conversations on protecting nature, tackling the climate crisis and working together to shape a brighter future for us all; and
WHEREAS Earth Hour can educate the community on the threat of climate change, and what each individual and business can do to make a difference every day; and to get as many individuals, households and businesses as possible to turn off their lights as a symbolic statement that now is the time to take action on climate change;
AND WHEREAS the residents of The Town of The Blue Mountains can unite with the rest of the world and spend 60 minutes doing something positive for our planet, whether it is by picking up garbage at a park, cooking dinner with sustainable ingredients, planting a tree, or getting together for an Earth Hour event with friends and family, all Blue Mountains’ residents can join to Create The Biggest Hour for Earth;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of The Town of The Blue Mountains hereby PROCLAIMS the hour between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. local time on Saturday, March 22, 2025, to be Earth Hour in the Town of The Blue Mountains and encourages all Town of The Blue Mountains’ residents to participate in this global initiative to demonstrate their commitment to finding solutions to climate change by turning off all non-essential lighting during this time period.
Warmest regards
Mayor Andrea Matrosovs