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Spring Tree Cutting Concludes in the Town of The Blue Mountains

Press Release
Town Hall Update generic

The Town would like to provide notice to residents that spring tree-cutting and clearing activities have concluded at various development properties, including Blue Vista, Aquavil West, Manorwood Thornbury and McPherson Home Farm.

The Town of the Blue Mountains is committed to ensuring that sustainability is a fundamental principle throughout the development process, balancing future growth with environmental protection. For this reason, tree cutting is subject to comprehensive regulations that ensure environmental impacts are mitigated. For example, tree cutting is typically scheduled prior to April 1 each year in accordance with Federal regulation to avoid bird-nesting and migration windows.

Once a development project has received necessary planning approvals, tree cutting and removal is one of the first activities completed on the site. Before work begins, an ecologist conducts a review to identify which trees are not environmentally significant and can be removed. Diseased and hazardous trees, such as infected Ash, may also be removed.

To manage expectations related to tree cutting, the Town requires a Pre-Servicing Agreement to be completed for every development project, which outlines the legal obligations of the owner of the lands in carrying out the activity. Any subdivision that has received approval must also submit a Tree Preservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement to assist Town staff in understanding the property’s natural features that must be protected. These studies and plans will recommend on-site measures, such as erosion and sediment control fencing, which helps protect sensitive areas.

Beyond requiring adherence to plans and studies related to the tree cutting, agreements will require other obligations such as the provision of security deposits if remediation is needed in the future, explicit rights of the Town to inspect the works occurring and communications by the owner to the neighbouring properties.

Further details regarding the recent tree cutting, including copies of the Pre-Servicing Agreements and Accepted for Construction Drawings, can be found on each project webpage.

For more information, visit Development Projects or contact:
Development Engineering
(519) 599-3131 ext. 220


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