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All Kent's hopes rest with a sunny February

The local columnist may be in for a let down if winter's shortest month goes long and grey
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Erika Engel/CollingwoodToday

I can’t believe it’s only Feb. 1 and I feel like I’ve just completed at least six months of wear and tear.

The weather has been so erratic with snow, rain and even occasional sunshine. Dealing with the weather is okay to a point but sometimes I wish we could just have a simple blue sky with sunshine and the absence of a cold icy wind off Georgian Bay.

Not being Snowbirds, and with no trips planned for the next while, it’s going to be a long haul until spring arrives.

To date all our travelling over the holidays and into January has been somewhat less than stress free.

I say somewhat because it seems that the main highways between Collingwood and anywhere in Metro Toronto require a special personality.

For example, we had to go to East Toronto for a medical appointment as part of a routine health check. Last time it was good weather back in December and this time it was again great driving weather. However, due to a series of accidents not of our making, our current trip took five hours round trip and the previous one more than six hours. Stress? What stress?

The doctor doing my checkups is always taken back by my blood pressure. After all, I was just sitting around in the waiting area for my turn after my leisurely trip down from Blue Mountains. Don’t I wish?

Seriously I feel I am a safe and courteous driver. Seldom do I go way over the speed limit except to pass some large eighteen wheeler that scares the daylight out me while it tries to parallel ride beside me. The worst is being in the middle lane with a huge transport on either side of me.

No matter, I realize yours truly isn’t in the same league as many of my fellow drivers. I don’t mind driving over the limit with good cause such as passing the transports but just to feel you are standing still as car after car go flying by makes my blood boil.

Finally arriving back home, the weather remains miserable. Since my medical visit I’ve had a touch of the flu and I just generally ache all over. You can guess that I’m not in a very good mood. Thanks to all the patients who shared their symptoms with me.

As the month comes to a close, my bowling team is about to expel me from the league for poor play, the LCBO has my picture on the door to prevent me from living there, my newspaper is somewhere in a snowbank, and the dog wants out, again.

Enough rambling! Sorry about that! It’s been a terrible week. I know I don’t usually cry a lot in my columns but this is an exception. Thanks for listening.

Looking for a better February, Kent Walton can be reached at [email protected].


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