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Greetings from an isolated old guy!

Kent Walton ponders grocery store efficiencies over freezer burnt hot dogs
Well it’s been quite a month! I realize we are all in the same boat keeping our distance but it really is a wonder how we are all surviving in isolation.
So far my bride and I have been quite compatible. Our biggest arguments have come over the choice of meals each day. Fortunately, our freezer is well stocked, well it was well stocked!
Our choices, in the beginning, were quite normal. As the freezer empties, the choices are lessening. Picking a meal is getting easier in the sense of choice but harder in trying to avoid the things you really don’t want to eat.
We are at the point where I must go food shopping for more than milk and eggs. I guess we could survive for a while on all the frozen apples, raspberries and other fruits deep in the freezer.
Speaking of food shopping, I must say the supermarkets in town have really gone to work making the outing a bit of an adventure. Crowds are certainly not normal, entering stores one at a time. One comes out, one goes in. Simple but effective!
As I lined up at the supermarket last week it was interesting to watch people’s reaction to the new format for grocery shopping. Everyone was observing the lines on the sidewalk as the store allowed people in to shop.
I just about fell over when the woman in front of me turned and asked what has happened that she just couldn’t go food shopping. She was serious!
I told her about the pandemic and the new rules of being out in public. She stood there with a look of someone who had been locked up for months. 
After leaving the supermarket I headed to the drugstore to pick up my prescription. I was greeted at the back door of the drugstore and told to wait while the lady retrieved my prescription from the dispensary. I felt I was doing something illegal picking up drugs from the back door of a pharmacy. The transaction completed at the door I cautiously made my way back to the car hoping no undercover cop was watching.
As I drove down the empty streets on my way home, it was sad to see all the closed stores. No people walking, no window shoppers and certainly no greeting of old friends.
I know all this will eventually end but will it ever return to normal? I doubt it. As we move forward into an unknown future I pray that we can once again learn to laugh and enjoy one another. It won’t be the same but it will sure beat the current life we are being forced to live.
Well, I must go now. Judy wants me to check the freezer again to see if there’s more than frozen fruit for the main course tonight. Just kidding! I found some old hot dogs!
Kent Walton can be reached at [email protected]


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