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LETTER: Arts centre doesn't have to be downtown

Reader wonders why Eddie Bush arena should be 'sacrificed for someone else's vision'
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CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter was sent in response to the Town of Collingwood recently receiving Phase 3 of the town's arts centre feasibility study, which suggested 101 Pine St. as the best location for a new arts centre in Collingwood, and a subsequent letter to the editor suggesting the Eddie Bush Memorial Arena be considered instead.

I am writing in response to the proposal of using the Eddie Bush arena as a possible site for the arts centre.

Why does the arts centre have to be downtown?

Collingwood is not that large that people cannot drive a short distance should it be located away from the downtown core. Many of its patrons would not necessarily live in central Collingwood. In fact, many live in the condo areas or periphery of the town in newer subdivisions.

Parking is a huge issue also. We already do not have enough parking spaces to accommodate the downtown traffic. The parking lots at least generate some income for the town whereas, if I understand correctly, the taxpayers will have to help support the running of the arts facility.

That brings me to the point that I wish to make.

The Eddie Bush arena is a vital and valued part of our community. It has long stood as part of our town's very long and proud hockey history and is very well-used.

Why should it be sacrificed for someone else's vision of what they would like to have in its stead?

The town should fight to keep some of its heritage.

As a citizen that has family roots here for five generations, I am totally opposed to adapting the arena to any other use.

Those who would like the arts facility need to cast their eye in another direction.

Why not combine a multi-use facility and arts centre under one umbrella? Washrooms, parking, office areas, and infrastructure could be shared along with the expenses and probably at a lesser cost to the taxpayer.

I am sure it could be designed to satisfy all.

Patti Livingstone