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LETTER: Use Eddie Bush for new arts centre

Arena can be arts centre if there's a new multi-use recreation centre, says letter writer
An artist's rendering of an arts and culture centre at 101 Pine St. in Collingwood under Option 1, which would see a 107,974 square-foot facility built on the site. Image courtesy of Collier Project Leaders.

CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter was sent in response to a previous article about the latest consultant's report suggesting 101 Pine Street as a potential location for a future arts centre.

With parking at a premium in Collingwood's downtown it boggles my mind that you would even think of taking up useful parking spots for a cultural centre. Why does this centre if it ever happens have to be downtown?

As a rural person parking on main street seems to be difficult, at best, when visiting downtown. Perhaps the BIA should start to wonder about why the town would even consider using up parking spots.

The town should be considering a multiplex recreation centre – a perfect example of what could be useful to the people, especially the youth who seem to be wondering who cares about them. 

The rec centre does not have to be situated in the downtown area. Everyone seems to be able to drive for most things now.

One idea came to mind. If you are bent on a cultural centre downtown have a look at the Eddie Bush Arena which is getting long in the tooth. 

The parking lot beside could be put to better use as a parking lot only. 

If the arena area could be turned into that cultural centre, meanwhile, the recreation centre can supply hockey area, swimming, walking tracks, basketball, etc. A great example is the Wasaga Beach centre or one built in Leduc, Alberta that has everything a family could want for recreation.

I am willing to bet there is property close enough for people in the area to go to for their sporting events.

While the Eddie Bush has a lot of memories for Collingwood – the space would be central – if that is what is required for the cultural crowd.

Just a thought from someone who avoids downtown now because of trying to find a parking spot.

Fay Gieg
Collingwood, Ont.