CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to a proposal to build an arts centre on the site of a Pine Street parking lot.
I don’t believe that the arts centre should be built downtown and definitely not on the Pine Street parking lot.
If this arts centre will be as significant to our larger community as the promoters would have us believe, that parking area will not be big enough.
Our current downtown merchants require that lot for their own customers plus we will need a lot more parking to accommodate the arts centre.
Based on the information that the promoters have told us, this arts centre will attract hundreds of new patrons to Collingwood and the surrounding area.
I believe we need to leave the Pine Street parking alone and build the arts centre and the required parking for those patrons out of town.
Diane Fitzgerald
Collingwood, Ont.