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LETTER: Resident 'amazed' town announced money it didn't receive

Letter writer frustrated with municipal government
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CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter was sent in response to an article titled Treasurer clarifies $1M from developer promised, not received

I'm amazed how the town announced a million-dollar contribution for affordable housing from a developer and they haven't received a cent.

Perhaps our elected officials and town staff should do their jobs and not just be concerned with the process, i.e. not offending anyone.

It's a joke the way this town is functioning now.

Town employees are not listed on the town's website. Why? Maybe they don't want to receive any questions from the taxpayers who pay their inflated salaries.

In my opinion, the municipal level of government should be removed as it's useless. All you have to do is watch council in action on Rogers TV to see what I'm talking about.

Paul Colangelo
Collingwood, Ont.