CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letters were sent in response to an article published in CollingwoodToday entitled: Collingwood won’t sign joint letter to province on hospital
I am a big fan of our Collingwood Mayor so I was both surprised and disappointed that the council decided not to co-sign with the other towns in Southern Georgian Bay, their mutual support for the Poplar Sideroad location for the new regional hospital.
I understand that Mayor Hamlin did send a letter, which to my knowledge has not been made public, supporting the hospital so we don’t know if there were any caveats in support of the hospital location.
It's important the province hears a unified voice of support for a regional hospital, located in Collinwood that would serve not only Collingwood but the residents of Clearview, Wasaga and the Town of Blue Mountains.
If Collingwood remains a reluctant regional partner with the other towns and municipalities, my fear is that it will result in a delay if the province puts our application to the bottom of the pile.
Jeff Shearer
Nottawa, Ont.
Collingwood's decision not to sign the joint letter to the provincial government asking for a decision to build a new hospital on Poplar Sideroad seems very short-sighted to me.
There is a timely adage covering this kind of decision and that is, "The squeaky wheel gets the oil," Let's go all out for a new hospital.
Al Truscott
Collingwood, Ont.
I must be missing something because I don't understand why the mayor of Collingwood refused to sign the joint letter to the Minister of Health confirming that Collingwood and the surrounding municipalities are all-in with respect to building the "new" hospital out on Poplar Sideroad.
I understand that she already sent her own letter earlier but, so what? The more letters the better!
I think her and council's decision not to sign and show community solidarity is dumb.
Paul Colangelo
Collingwood, Ont.