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2022 NEWSMAKERS: Developer chosen for Terminals

Memorandum of Understanding between Streetcar/Dream and the Town of Collingwood outlining details of the Terminals redevelopment is expected to be signed by February 2023
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Collingwood Terminals building on a bluebird day. Erika Engel/CollingwoodToday

A process for determining what should be done with the Collingwood Grain Terminals building has been ongoing for years, but in 2022, a developer was chosen to breathe new life into the iconic landmark.

On Feb.10, KPMG Consulting was first introduced to council as the consultant hired by the town to advise on the redevelopment of the Terminals.

KPMG led a request for qualifications (RFQ) process, where developers were asked to submit information on their own backgrounds which could include financial information, company information including experience and a brief summary of their vision for the site.

Six developers put their names forward as part of the RFQ process.

In May, the town chose three of those developers to move forward to the next stage: a request for proposals (RFP) process.

The three developers were Diamante Urban Corporation, Fram Building Group Ltd., and Streetcar Developments Inc. paired with Dream Unlimited Corp., who were then required to submit detailed proposals to the town by July 22.

In order to “uphold the integrity” of the RFP, the town said proponents were not permitted to engage with the public until the successful bidder was determined.

Once the request for proposals from the shortlisted developers was complete, town staff undertook a compliance review with the fairness monitor, a technical evaluation, and a closed-session presentation with the evaluation committee. Council observed the session, but was not involved in selecting the top-ranked bid.

On Aug. 19, the town announced Streetcar/Dream were the successful proponent.

While fine details have been kept confidential, the Streetcar/Dream plan is to reuse the Terminals by creating a full-service boutique hotel that includes restaurants and events spaces while highlighting the heritage attributes of the Terminals building.

The plan also includes enhancements to the public space on the spit including a "reimagined Millennium Park."

Finally, the developer has proposed a new marina building and facilities that "will transform the Collingwood Harbour into a marine destination unmatched on Georgian Bay and beyond."

CAO Sonya Skinner noted in the town's news release at that time that the revitalization of the Terminals is likely one of the most impactful undertakings since the Collingwood Terminals building was constructed in 1929.

In a recent interview, Skinner said the town is still working with Streetcar and Dream to prepare a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the two parties which will hammer out details such as costs, which parties will pay for what and estimated timelines for the project.

After the MOU is signed, the details and plans will be made public and the project will move into a public consultation process.

The town is anticipating the MOU will be completed and signed in February 2023. Planning applications will also be initiated and brought forward at that time.

“The working relationship with Streetcar and Dream continues to be very collaborative and positive,” said Skinner. “It is our intention that the town be moving forward in parallel with Streetcar and Dream to ensure timely co-ordination of the process.”

The town has kept a page on the Engage Collingwood website dedicated to the Collingwood Terminals revitalization process, you can visit it here.


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