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Appointments open for Moderna vaccine clinic in Collingwood tomorrow

The local family health team is also offering second doses of AstraZeneca to anyone who had their first dose between March 10 and 19
Collingwood vaccine clinic
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Are you 18+ and waiting to receive your first dose of COVID-19 vaccine?  

Appointments still remain for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine clinic being held in Collingwood tomorrow, May 26 from 2 to 6 p.m.  

Click here to book now through the South Georgian Bay Ontario Health Team. 

AstraZeneca – second dose

If you received your first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine between March 10 and March 19, we have received a small supply of AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine that we are able to offer for your second dose at the Collingwood drive-thru vaccine clinic on Saturday, May 29. The current recommendation by  AstraZeneca is to give the second dose four to 12 weeks after your first dose, with 12 weeks offering optimal protection. Click here for more information about safety, efficacy and dosing intervals.  

Dr. Sohail Gandhi, local family physician and past President of the Ontario Medical Association, answers some frequently asked questions below. These answers are not specific medical advice for you as an individual, only general answers based on current information. 

1. What should I know about the safety of the AZ vaccine? 

There is no such thing as a vaccine/medicine/treatment that is 100 per cent guaranteed. However, the  AZ vaccine, and indeed, all of the current COVID vaccines, are amongst the safest vaccines available. If you got a sore arm, fever, headaches or muscle pains with your first dose, it would be helpful to take Tylenol 1000 mg three times a day, the day before, the day of, and the day after your second dose. Generally, these symptoms are very short-lived (24-48 hours) and are an indication that your body is mounting an immune response – that is to say, the vaccine is working. 

2. What should I know about the risk of Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) after second doses of AZ vaccine? 

The first thing is that the risk of this is very, very low. The second thing is that in England (where over 30 million doses of AZ have been given), it has been noted that if you did not get VITT after the first dose, you are not going to get it with the second dose.

3. What other options might become available to me if I delay my second dose?

As of today, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization has recommended using the same vaccine for first and second dose. We will update as soon as new information becomes available. 

Click here to book now if you feel that you have sufficient information and wish to proceed to book your second dose of AZ vaccine.  

If booking is full and you are unable to book an appointment at this time, please keep checking our website as we will continue to add appointments according to demand and vaccine supply.

Please do not call your Family Physician’s office or the Georgian Bay Family Health Team. 

If you proceed to booking and attend our drive-thru clinic, we ask that everyone arrive as close to their appointment time as possible (not early or late) to avoid traffic congestion. Wear loose clothing.

Please note that you are only eligible for this clinic if your first dose was given between March 10 and 19. You will be turned away if this is not the case.



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