Work continues at the Awen Waterplay Park, with a July opening expected, according to town staff.
During Monday’s (June 19) council meeting, councillors received an update on the project by the town’s director of parks, recreation and culture Dean Collver, with a notable addition. Due to a $30,000 donation by the Peggy Staite-Wong Community Foundation, the park will now also feature an art piece that will incorporate a water-bottle fill station.
“When it’s fully running, everyone is going to be blown away,” said Collver.
Robert Wong approached the town about a year ago, wanting to provide funding for a water-bottle fill station adjacent to the Georgian Trail at Harbourview Park through the foundation he created in his late wife’s memory.
“It blossomed into an art piece as well,” Collver told councillors.
Created by artist Derek Martin, the art piece will be a bowl-shaped structure tipped toward the east, adorned with a turtle. Martin consulted with Indigenous advisor James Carpenter on the project.
“The bowl represents the interconnectedness of all things,” said Collver. “The addition of the water-bottle fill station creates a compliment between the sculpture’s intent and the practical need for water.”
Wong also spoke to council on Monday, outlining his reasons for wanting to support the project through the foundation.
“We’re very fortunate this came together. My wife was an environmental planner,” Wong told council. “We wanted to choose a project so we could give back to the community.”
The Awen Waterplay Park is being constructed in Harbourview Park, adjacent to the Awen Gathering Place. The site will include multiple water-play features including waterfalls, a splash pad, a washroom/change facility and parking. The water throughout the site will be recycled.
Ojibwa adviser, elder and knowledge keeper Dr. Duke Redbird was consulted on the design of the site.
The last budget estimates provided by the town for the overall project hit $2.5 million as of May 2022, after staff brought forward issues they had been dealing with on the project such as supply chain and vendor access. The original budget for the project, when it was proposed, had been $1.5 million.