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Chess masters move into Collingwood for weekend tournament

Collingwood-Somborac Chess Festival enters second year, drawing three of Canada's eight active chess masters
Chess 2[28]
A player match-up at the first-annual Collingwood-Somborac Chess Festival in 2022.

There may be a coronation ceremony across the pond, but in Collingwood this weekend, the queen still has all the power at the second-annual Collingwood-Somborac Chess Festival. 

The 2023 tournament is a Chess Federation of Canada event, which is the national governing body for the game. The tournament will have a $3,500 guaranteed prize fund and will follow the five-round Swiss system tournament structure. Three of the sections of the tournament are Chess Federation of Canada and International Chess Federation rated. 

The tournament takes place at Georgian Bay Hotel in Collingwood May 5,6, and 7, and is open to the public. Spectators are expected to stay completely silent. 

The local tournament is named for its organizer and instigator Milan Somborac, a retired dentist and author whose family immigrated to Canada from Belgrade. 

For more information on the weekend event, visit


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