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County kicks in support for region's hospitals

County commitment from 1994 to 2031 adds up to $107 million; Investments 'enhance the health and quality of life of our residents'

The County of Simcoe continues to invest in and support the region’s health-care system through numerous programs, initiatives and funding streams.

County Councillors were joined today by representatives from the Simcoe County Hospital Alliance (SCHA), which is comprised of CEOs from the seven hospitals that serve Simcoe County residents, to receive an update about future allocations of the county’s substantial funding commitment, which accumulates to $107 million toward area hospitals between 1994 and 2031.

The county’s commitment to regional health care extends beyond hospitals. Councillors also received information through a staff report regarding the County’s $1.5 million pledge to local hospice centres (2018-2020).

During a brief presentation about the county’s commitment to health care, Warden George Cornell also shared details on the county’s annual investments in social, mental health and wellness initiatives as well as the county’s provincial leadership in providing the very best in Long-term Care and Paramedic Services.

The County of Simcoe manages regional social and affordable housing, homelessness and poverty reduction initiatives, children’s services and Ontario Works.

The county manages Paramedic Services responding to approximately 75,000 calls annually as well as operates four long-term care homes and a continuum of seniors housing and services that supports more than 1300 seniors across this region. 

Cheque presentations to receiving hospitals and hospice centres will be made throughout 2019.


“The county takes great pride in our significant investments and contributions to the area’s health-care system,” said Warden George Cornell. “Our investments enhance the health and quality of life of our residents and demonstrate our commitment to serving almost half a million residents who live in our region across 16 member municipalities and the cities of Barrie and Orillia.”

“Although Simcoe County is not obligated to provide hospital funding, this generous investment demonstrates the county’s commitment to improving residents’ access to care wherever they live across our region,” says Gail Hunt, chair, Simcoe County Hospital Alliance and president and CEO, Georgian Bay General Hospital.

“All of the hospitals in the Alliance are currently planning for significant expansions or redevelopments. The county’s support is vital to ensuring these projects can move forward.”

County of Simcoe is composed of 16 member municipalities and provides crucial public services to county residents in addition to providing paramedic and social services to the separated cities of Barrie and Orillia. Visit our website at
