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Food and supplies needed for widely used community pantry/fridge

The Project Butterfly fridge and pantry is self-serve and open 24/7 for anyone to take food and supplies as needed

The team behind a community pantry and fridge set up at the Collingwood Youth Centre is putting out a community-wide call for donations as the service is seeing "huge usage."

The Butterfly Project fridge and pantry is a small room on the back of the Collingwood Youth Centre that opened March 26. The pantry and fridge are open 24/7 as a self-serve foodbank. 

According to the youth centre's community development director Lea Pankhurst, the pantry has been well-used during the last couple months it has been open. 

He's asking for the community's support to help keep it open. 

"With everyone's support we can continue to offer barrier-free access to food, baby products, and health products for those who need it most," said Pankhurst in an email. 

Specific pantry needs include canned food, baby products such as diapers, wipes, and formula, and any cash donations the project coordinators can use to buy fresh produce as it runs out. 

"We have been seeing such high usage we are struggling to keep up with demand," said Pankhurst. 

Donations can be brought to the Collingwood Youth Centre at 76 First Street. 

Organizations and individuals wishing to organize a food drive or donate money, can email Lea Pankhurst at [email protected] to arrange the donation and get a list of specific needs. 

Project Butterfly is a food security initiative spearheaded by the Collingwood Youth Centre, The Environment Network, and Elephant Thoughts. 


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