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Go long with your golf drive at this charity tournament

Collingwood Collegiate Institute (CCI) Football Alumni are teeing up to host their 15th annual charity golf tournament
Join the CCI Football Alumni for the 15ht annual charity golf tournament. Contributed photo

There will be no tackling allowed at the upcoming CCI Football Alumni event.

But there might be some grass stains.

The Alumni are hosting their 15th-annual charity golf tournament on Saturday, June 8 at Duntroon Highlands Golf Club, and if you want to tee up with the leatherheads, you’ll have to register soon.

The tournament is a 1 p.m. start, and the registration fee is $120, which includes golf, cart, dinner, gift and a prize.

Proceeds raised at the tournament will be used by the Alumni to support Collingwood Collegiate Institute’s football program.

Alumni member Douglas Edwards said the group uses funds raised to keep football fees at CCI low, and offer subsidies to players who otherwise couldn’t afford to participate in the program.

The Alumni group has purchased an electronic scoreboard for the field, all of the player’s equipment, six sections of outdoor bleachers, and has donated $6,000 to the CCI fitness room.

Other projects funded by the Alumni include a new water delivery system, and new video systems for the junior and senior team.

Edwards said future projects include more player equipment, upgrades, and more money for the fitness room.

In the last four years, the group has purchased $35,000 worth of player equipment and provided cleats and safety glasses as the need arose.

CCI’s football program has the lowest fees in Simcoe County.

“Times have changed, there is less public money available, but demands remain high,” said Edwards. “Our Alumni hope we can continue to support CCI football, and, to a lesser degree, all sporting activities at the school.”

For more information on the upcoming golf tournament and directions on how to register, click here.

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Erika Engel

About the Author: Erika Engel

Erika regularly covers all things news in Collingwood as a reporter and editor. She has 15 years of experience as a local journalist
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