The Town of Collingwood has moved into the fourth phase (of six) of its Official Plan review, and town staff are again hoping residents will get involved in the crafting of the new plan.
Director of Planning Adam Farr told council earlier this month the fourth phase is about exploring options and directions to accomplish the goals and vision cast for the plan in the preceding phases.
“We are at the stage where we are able to respond to the issues that have been identified by the community and consultants and have a discussion about ways to move forward with development,” said Farr during a development and operations committee meeting this month.
The Official Plan is an overall policy for how land is used in Collingwood, and serves as a guide for development for the next 20 years. It indicates where and how growth should occur within the boundaries of the municipality.
The town published nine discussion papers to its public consultation website, Engage Collingwood, relating to nine aspects of the Official Plan this summer. Farr is hoping the papers will spark more public feedback.
The papers are focused on the planning implications of COVID-19, growth management, sustainable development, housing options, community design, green lands, downtown and waterfront, transportation, and municipal infrastructure.
The town is encouraging residents and stakeholders to read the discussion papers and consider whether they accurately capture the important issues for the town.
You can read all nine discussion papers online here. You can submit comments, ideas, questions, and your 20-year vision for Collingwood by email to [email protected].
Farr said there will be consultation events coming up in November, and more information on those events will be listed on the Engage Collingwood website.
In the current phase of the official plan review, staff and consultants will be creating an options report and drafting directions to lead into the next phase, which is a written draft of the new official plan available for public review. The final, sixth phase is finalizing the plan and adoption by town and county council.