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Police help rescue drowning child at Sunset Point Friday

Police say the 12-year-old was pulled off the shore due to a strong current and wavy weather conditions
Sunset Point Beach in Collingwood.

An updated story on this rescue is available here: Collingwood man swam out to rescue drowning boy at Sunset Point

Local police officers with emergency crews and civilians worked together to rescue a 12-year-old from the water at Sunset Point this weekend. 

On Aug. 9 at about 4:46 p.m., Collingwood and The Blue Mountains police along with firefighters and paramedics responded to a call at Sunset Point Park where a child was believed to be drowning. 

OPP officers with two members of the public rescued the child and returned to shore safely, where paramedics and firefighters helped with first aid and assessment. The child was taken to Collingwood General and Marine Hospital for precautionary monitoring. 

"At the time of the incident the individual was pulled off the shore due to a strong current and wavy weather conditions," states a news release from police. "The individual did not have a floatation device on their person and was later discovered to be an inexperienced swimmer."

Collingwood OPP is reminding the public to consider swimming conditions, avoid swimming alone and consider your swimming experience before entering the water.

For more information on swimming safety and how to find the right flotation device for yourself please visit the Government of Canada: Swimming safety: Choosing lifejackets and personal flotation devices (PFDs) (