Interesting the comment on what it'll do to power. We'll have too much and need to sell it at discount. Meanwhile Ontario has a plan to have all electric cars in the next 10 years, meanwhile people say oh it'll cost too much and we dont generate enough power. Well.......problem solved! We'll have too much power and it will be cheaper, win win for Canada, just give the boot to the USA. Trump started it,hes the bad guy if they go without power.
5 7 1
Need to add a I dont remember option, I really have no clue. I know I did, just no clue who for.
1 4 0
Im totally down for an extra $300,000/day in retaliation, but what do they plan to do with it? Thats the big question. Will it go in to public services, schools, health care, or Douggies friends pockets?
4 9 0
Did you hear the latest thing he wants? He wants to denuclear the world. He wants countries with nuclear weapons to destroy them. My 1st thought when I heard this was who actually believes America would follow and destroy theirs? Never gonna happen.
6 5
This whole whatever you call this is just more proof people rely on their vehicles too much. We have more than enough capacity to produce fuel for shipping, public transit if so many people dropped their reliance and also stopped flying so much. Change your dependencies, change our transportation infrastructure and we have plenty. Then of course theres the question, why in the world didnt they build more refineries over the last 3 decades if we needed so much?
3 6
Sounds more like a conspiracy theory than rumor
36 12
Dont worry, your car is designed to take impacts from potholes and keep going. If you hit 1 going 70 instead of 50 well thats on you it might hurt a little more but can still take it.
0 3
🤣 I love how all you people have such negative opinions and strange conspiracy theories about them and what they'll do but not a single 1 of you have stood up and threw your name in the hat.
34 48 5
Making youtube videos. Ive been beta testing a new at home cycling program and its set for release so I'll be making "gaming" videos of that. Also my daughter is setting up her own gaming channel but on a VR not a PC or console like most others so she'll be playing and recording then I get to edit. At least editing is the fun part for me, Im creating something. Other than that not much going on except Muay Thai Monday and Wednesday for me. Who knows what will come up.
0 5 1
No listings have been posted by Encino Man
I dont know what news you've been reading but Trudeau is still our PM and was voted in. Until Trudeau tells the Governor General to replace him he's still PM. That hasnt happened, the Liberals only found a new party leader.
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