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A new case of COVID reported in The Blue Mountains today

The last confirmed case of COVID in TBM was reported on May 13
042220 - covid testing - lab_7441
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Grey Bruce Health Unit is reporting one new case of COVID-19 in the Town of the Blue Mountains (TBM) today.

According to today's situation report, the new case brings the region's cumulative total to 122 cases.

There have been six cases confirmed to-date in TBM. Five are reported as recovered now.

The first case of COVID in TBM was reported on April 27, and the community has not seen a new case of COVID reported since May 13.

On June 12 the health unit had noted a possible case in TBM, but it was later determined to be a false positive.

Currently, there are four active cases in the Grey Bruce region, as well as one preliminary positive that is pending confirmation.

The GBHU is one of the only health units in Ontario to continue to have no deaths as a result of COVID and only two cases that required hospitalization.

GBHU also notes that it will continue to monitor high-risk international travellers within Grey and Bruce, in partnership with local enforcement agencies, Border Services, and the Compliance and Enforcement, Centre for Biosecurity of the Public Health Agency of Canada, to ensure quarantine rules are monitored as required.

Confirmed COVID-19 cases in Grey County include - Owen Sound (52); Southgate (16); West Grey (8); Grey Highlands (6); Blue Mountains (6); Meaford (4); Georgian Bluffs (2); Hanover (2); Chatsworth (1). Bruce County currently has 26 confirmed cases.


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