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Official Plan Phase 2 Recommendation Papers Posted, Public Meeting and Open House Scheduled

Press Release - August 16, 2024
Town Hall Update generic

The Town of The Blue Mountains would like to advise residents that the Recommendation Papers for Phase 2 of the Official Plan Review have been posted to the project webpage. In addition, the Statutory Public Meeting and Statutory Open House have been scheduled for this Fall to provide public engagement and comment opportunities.

The Recommendation Papers summarize the proposed changes to the Official Plan by theme. Town Staff and the project consultants determined each recommendation after considering comments received through the public engagement process.

There are seven Recommendation Papers:

  • Sustainability, Parks and Open Space
  • Housing Mix and Affordability
  • Infrastructure and Servicing
  • Intensification and Density
  • Commercial and Employment
  • Agriculture and Rural Lands
  • Transportation

Statutory Open House & Public Meeting
The Statutory Public Open House is scheduled for Monday, September 23, 2024, with the Statutory Public Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

The complete draft of the Official Plan with proposed changes will be shared to the project webpage in early September to allow public review before these meetings.

To read the Recommendation Papers, and subscribe for further project updates, please visit the project webpage.

For more information, please contact:
Shawn Postma, MCIP RPP
Manager of Community Planning 
(519) 599-3131 ext. 248