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Christmas is often a time for reflection, gathering, and joyful celebration. For many of us, it’s also a time for what one might call “hitting the booze.” It is on this thought that I wish to express my sincere disappointment and frustration with the parking lot of Collingwood’s LCBO. Without resorting to juvenile profanity, it’s a place I most commonly refer to as a total gong show.
When airborne viruses, less-liked cousins, or the newest subpar Netflix Christmas movie get me down, I need a tasty beer, or three, to keep me sane. I tend to avoid the Soviet-era styled Beer Store where rations are exchanged for unseen alcohol behind the veil, and instead attend to the dressed-up version of government-controlled alcohol at the LCBO. When doing so, I’d be over the moon it if I could find a parking spot. I would guess 70 people work in that building and there might be 65 parking spots in total. Is Collingwood able to influence the location of the LCBO? I’m not sure myself — I’m just trying to create a groundswell movement to relocate the LCBO. Thoughts? Prayers? Merry Christmas friends.
Justin Vanden Ende
Collingwood, Ont.