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14 candidates apply for Collingwood council spot

Special meeting of council to appoint a candidate will take place March 10
ballot box, election, vote, voting

Fourteen candidates have put their names forward for the Collingwood council seat left vacant by the resignation of Tina Comi in January.

On March 10, council will participate in a special meeting to hear five-minute deputations from each candidate, before voting to determine which one will be appointed to the seat. The winning candidate will fill the seat for the remaining eight months of the term.

The 14 candidates are:

Carrier was formerly the mayor of Collingwood. Ecclestone, Fryer, Gardhouse, and McNabb have all been on past Collingwood councils. 

A special meeting of council will be held March 10 at 5 p.m. for the purpose of selecting a candidate to fill the current vacancy.

Applications will be considered in open session, allowing each candidate an opportunity to speak to council for five minutes each to their interest and qualifications to fill the vacancy.

Council will vote on the applicants through a clearly defined process, and the candidate with at least half of the votes will win the seat.

According to the Municipal Act, the vacancy must be filled by March 24. The individual appointed to fill the vacancy will be required to hold office for the remainder of the term, which expires Nov. 15.

The special council meeting will be livestreamed on the town’s YouTube channel.

The agenda for the meeting will be posted a minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting here.

For more information, click here.