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COLUMN: Chabad Collingwood hosting High Holidays in Oct.

'Hope and strength can be found in coming together as a community,' writes Rabbi
Rabbi Berel Shur and his wife lead a Jewish outreach in Collingwood through Chabad of Ontario.

As we approach the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Chabad Collingwood warmly invites the Jewish community to join together during this meaningful time for reflection and renewal.

The past year has been a difficult one for the Jewish people and the world at large, with challenges that have tested our resilience and unity. But as we prepare to welcome the year 5785, we are reminded that hope and strength can be found in coming together as a community. 

Rosh Hashanah, which will be observed from Oct. 2 - 4, and Yom Kippur, from Oct. 11-12, mark moments of reflection and connection.

The High Holidays provide a chance to step back from the noise of the world, to reconnect with God, and to renew our commitment to one another.

While the difficulties of the past year are undeniable, these days of awe remind us that we can enter the new year with optimism, ready to create a future filled with blessing and unity. 

At Chabad Collingwood, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where individuals of all backgrounds feel welcome.

Whether you are deeply rooted in tradition or exploring your Jewish heritage for the first time, these High Holiday services are a space for everyone to celebrate, reflect, and uplift one another. 

This year’s High Holiday services are not just an invitation to pray, but an opportunity to inspire, interact, and unite as a community.

Let us greet the new year with a sense of hope and renewal, leaving behind the hardships of the past, and embracing the promise of a better future. 

For more information about the High Holiday services, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

May we all be inscribed and sealed for a year of good health, happiness, and peace. Shana Tova!

Rabbi Shur, an esteemed Rabbi and experienced educator, has dedicated over a decade to Jewish outreach across Canada and the United States. Recently, Rabbi Shur, together with his wife Sara and their family, has commenced a meaningful Jewish outreach initiative in Collingwood and its vicinity, under the umbrella of Chabad of Ontario. They organize various events and activities, particularly focused on Jewish holidays, fostering a sense of community and celebration.