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Local athletes shine at Collingwood Terminals Open Water Swim

More than 70 swimmers took part in event July 7

On Sunday, July 7, the Georgian Bay Squall co-hosted a very successful open water swim event in the harbour.

Now in its third year, the CanAqua Sports Collingwood Terminals Open Water Swim was proud to welcome over 70 swimmers to the area. Events offered were one-, three- and five-kilometre swims, plus the unique Mudskipper Swim/Run.* Fourteen members of the Squall took part and did a great job representing ‘the locals.’

Five Squall women participated in the one-km race with Lynne Wardle Ransom placing third.

Two Squall men participated in the one-km race with Erich Rohmann placing first.

Two Squall women participated in the three-km race.

Three Squall men participated in the three-km race with Martin Rydlo placing first.

One Squall woman participated in the five-km race with Mel Silver placing first.

One Squall man participated in the five-km race with Kevin Hebener placing second.

Next team event is the Ontario Masters Open Water Championships in Gravenhurst July 13 to 14, where nine Squall members will be racing in the one-, three- and five-km swims, plus a first-time relay.


SwimRun is a multi-stage event where participants alternate between swimming and running over a given distance. Swimming aids (paddles, fins, pull buoys and wetsuits) are permitted, but must be worn/carried during the run. Likewise, running shoes must be worn or carried during the swim.
