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LETTER: A tale of two police stories

'Does Queen's Park have a Professional Standards Unit?' asks letter writer
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CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).  The following letter was submitted in response to two articles: Disappointment turns to elation as woman reunited with stolen bike and Ford says Toronto cops in middle-finger video 'did nothing wrong'

Two contrasting stories in CollingwoodToday about policing.

A feel-good story about a stolen bike being returned to its owner by the OPP and our illustrious premier not being offended by a Toronto police officer giving the finger to someone while in her cruiser.

Policing is not an easy job and officers must get frustrated witnessing the behaviour of some people but getting upset because someone chides you for parking in a loading zone to get coffee?

Ford suggests that we "should shake hands and keep going."

I suggest he should support his voter base not accuse the filmer of 'harassment'.

Good to read that the Professional Standards Unit of the Toronto Police Service will be looking into the incident.

Does Queen's Park have a Professional Standards Unit?

Mary Jane McIntyre
Collingwood, Ont.