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Fleur-de-lis, trillium flag raised today marking Franco-Ontarian Day

'Il est bon de se retrouver pour célébrer la langue française et la culture francophone qui nous unissent,' says French-Catholic school board president
Students, staff, and volunteers from École élémentaire catholique Notre-Dame-de-la-Huronie helped raise the Franco-Ontarian flag at the Collingwood Public Library on Sept. 25.

There was a sea of green in front of the Collingwood Public Library this morning as a crowd celebrated Franco-Ontarian Day. 

Students, teachers, and parent volunteers from École élémentaire catholique Notre-Dame-de-la-Huronie attended a flag raising with town staff and council to mark Franco-Ontarian Day, which is a celebration of the language and heritage of the Franco-Ontarian community. 

Principal Miriam Alizé delivered a speech during the flag-raising event to thank the town for their support and acknowledgement of the local francophone community, which she said is thriving and proud to be part of the Franco-Ontario community. 

"Chaque année, la communauté franco-ontarienne s'épanouit et prend davantage de place, et c'est avec une grande fierté que nous contribuons à ce dynamisme," said Alizé. 

Grade 7 student Madeline Fleming, said she and her fellow students were grateful for their French school, proud to be francophone and glad to have the chance to speak French every day. She thanked the people who defend francophone rights and celebrate their achievements. 

"La langue française, dans un milieu minoritaire comme le nôtre, n'est jamais acquise; il faut la pratiquer chaque jour pour la garder vivante," said Fleming. "Un grand merci à toutes les personnes qui défendent et continuent de défendre nos droits et nos acquis."

Student Madeline Fleming, Grade 7, delivers a speech during the Franco-Ontarian flag raising celebration. Erika Engel/CollingwoodToday

In a news release from Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir (Csc MonAvenir), the board president said Franco-Ontarian Day helps celebrate students' attachment to the francophone community, which is made up of families from diverse backgrounds. She also said it is good to come together to celebrate the French language and francophone culture. 

"Le Jour des Franco-Ontariennes et des Franco-Ontariens est une occasion de nourrir l’attachement des élèves à la communauté francophone dont ils sont l’avenir. La communauté du Csc MonAvenir est composée de familles aux origines diverses et il est bon de se retrouver pour célébrer la langue française et la culture francophone qui nous unissent," said Geneviève Grenier, president of Csc MonAvenir, in the news release.

Held annually on Sept. 25, Franco-Ontario day commemorates the anniversary of the first unveiling of the Franco-Ontario flag in Sudbury in 1975. 

Since then, the Franco-Ontarian Emblem Act of 2001, officially recognized the flag as the emblem of the francophone community of Ontario. 

In 2010, the Legislative Assembly officially declared Sept. 25 as Franco-Ontarian Day. 

French is one of the two official languages of Canada, and the Franco-Ontario community is the largest French-speaking community in Canada outside of Quebec. 

Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer and Principal Miriam Alizé from École élémentaire catholique Notre-Dame-de-la-Huronie address the crowd for the flag raising on Franco-Ontarian Day. Erika Engel/CollingwoodToday


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Erika Engel

About the Author: Erika Engel

Erika regularly covers all things news in Collingwood as a reporter and editor. She has 15 years of experience as a local journalist
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