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Golf tourney drives support to Special Olympics

This year, the tournament raised $26,680 overall, with 70 per cent of that handed to local Special Olympics
Mayor Yvonne Hamlin hands over a cheque for $18,676 to area Special Olympians as part of the proceeds from this year's Mayor's Golf Challenge.

The 25th annual Mayor’s Golf Challenge wrapped up this past June, and on Monday, most of the proceeds from this year’s tournament were handed over to local Special Olympians.

This year, $26,680 was raised through ticket sales and raffle tickets, with $18,676 of that going to Special Olympics.

“Thank you so much for this ongoing support,” said Mark Bryan, chair of Special Olympics. “The Mayor’s Golf Challenge has been the lifeblood of our organization for more than 25 years now.”

“We are so appreciative of the support,” he said.

The rest of the funds will be moved into the Community Recreation and Culture Grants program to be doled out at a later time.

The tournament was held on June 13 at Blue Mountain Golf & Country Club and attracted 144 golfers.